Saturday, March 10, 2007

Why Dumb Blondes Tick Me Off

Being a single man, I do have dreams of one day having kids of my own. As such, I have to reflect on the role-models I have for them. If I have a son, I would not let this kid out of my sight, only because I know how my childhood was. The fruit doesn’t fall too far from the tree, so extra care needs to be taken with junior. If it’s a daughter, I would be freaking out to no end.

Look at the role models young girls have now and you would pee your pants in horror and have your little girl locked up in a covenant for the rest of her days. Girls like Paris Hilton and Britney Spears are role models? What is going on here? We get to hear about the exposed privates, drunken stupors, borderline psychotic behavior, and rehab visits shorter than trips to the supermarket and not feel like doing a mental exam on these girls with a lead pipe to the forehead? When absentee fathers and snobby ex-boyfriends seem like better bets as human beings, you know something is wrong.

Some have gone as far as to call them “whores”, which is far from being true. Whores give it out for money. I get the feeling they do it for free. “Dumb” is harsher.

I don’t need to worry about my kid wearing a thong sticking out of her pants as she goes to grade school. I don’t want to hear about my kid spending more time on her cell phone than on her education. I don’t need to hear that her friends advertise their goods with see-through clothes. It’s one thing to advertise what you got ladies, but like any good teaser for a movie, you should not see all of the good parts BEFORE the ticket is bought.

The title of this piece might suggest I have an issue against all blondes, but this is far from true. Unfortunately, many guys like me know this to be a myth. Most blondes I know tend to be articulate, intelligent, and often fascinating individuals. Unfortunately, with these girls running around, that myth is becoming reality. What’s next?

Hearing about Anna Nicole Smith’s horrifying demise doesn’t give me a bright outlook for the future. Remember the old adage, “Those who forget history are condemned to repeat it”? I have the bad feeling that these party girls may not have even have touched the history books to know that one.
The following was the view and opinion of the author and does not reflect the views and opinions of the host of this blog. And if you can’t guess it’s a personal opinion, you need to get your head examined. Possibly with a lead pipe.

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