A major issue that comes up is the idea of installing democracy. We are trying to install democracy into a region that up until now has had little to no say in their affairs. While the idea is a noble one, how exactly do we plan on installing democracy in Iraq? Is this going to be like our education system now? Is it going to be the "no democratic citizen left behind" policy? With the dopey kids we got coming out of a underfunded, underresourced, overstressed system, we should talk.
The problem with this is how do we set an example for the Iraq people, when our president has a lower opinion by the American people than that kid with the "feather-duster" hairstyle on American Idol? Some people still question the result of the 2000 election that got G.W. into office. Some naysayers would suggest he was elected by the people, but these people forget one thing: the electoral college and the supreme court made that call, NOT the American people. The real uptights would offer that Bush did well in leading us through a difficult time after 9/11, and to some degree, they're not wrong. However, look at what has happened since then and start wondering how much of that good faith has been pissed away.
(In case you believe this is some "leftist liberal commie" viewpoint, let me clarify something right now: I don't trust my authority figures. Period. If Kerry, Gore, or Hilary Clinton were in charge, I wouldn't trust them either. And besides, they got their own skeletons I can poke at. But since Bush is in charge, he's the one who gets the business end of this rant. So suck it up, you right wing loonies. I'm kidding, people. But not really.)
Then again, the people seemed to speak up just fine in California some years ago when they wanted to get a new governor. But they got Arnold Schwarzenegger instead. Good job. At least with porn star Mary Carey as governor I could've laughed along with the insanity of it all. Growing up in California for a large amount of my life, it probably was for the best I wasn't in the state when this went down.
Our "democracy" has been upended by people who have more money and assets than any average joe can get their hands on. The guy who gets elected is often the guy who spends more money than their opponent. Our Congresspeople can't get their heads out of their collective butthole to do anything except complain about each other. Our President's most trusted advisors have more skeletons in their closet than a serial killer does. And no matter what political party you stand on, you are considered "un-American" and "unpatriotic" for just questioning the way things are (and since when did both mean the same thing? Was there a hearing on this that any REAL citizen of this country was invited to?). Is that really the "democracy" we want to leave behind for the Iraq people to use?
To be continued...
The following was the view and opinion of the author and does not reflect the views or opinions of the host of this blog. And if you can’t figure it out yet, this particular post is not the last in this series. Deal with it.